This is a research project with the Austin Center for Design focusing on social impact.
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However, when I attended a social meetup and storytelling event for Trans and GNC people I noticed that solitary elders in social situations are often isolated from the rest of the group and other social subgroups are organically divided by age.

At this point I notice a pattern and decided to map what I would later call...
The Cycle of Invalidation

efforts exist to mitigate "horizontal neglect", one such example was an intergenerational writing project where elders and middle schoolers shared their experiences through a pen pal relationship and one in-person discussion

at the end of such projects, relationships dissolve and participants return to their previously separated affinity groups

If we achieve this we may be able to break
the cycle of validation in 1-2 generations
the cycle of validation in 1-2 generations

In the end...
one prototype prevailed in testing
as a viable contribution to the solution
as a viable contribution to the solution